MSI 36주년 기념 이벤트
MSI의 36주년을 기념하기 위한 특별 멤버 이벤트에 여러분을 초대합니다. 이벤트 대상 제품을 구매하고 등록하면, 3600포인트 및 스팀월렛 코드, MSI 제품들을 받을 수 있는 이벤트에 참여하실 수 있습니다. 뿐만 아니라 친구를 MSI 리워드 프로그램에 초대하면 Katana GF66 게이밍 노트북을 받을 수도 있습니다. MSI 36주년 기념 이벤트의 놀라운 한정 경품이 여러분을 기다립니다!
이벤트 기간: 2022년 7월 25일 - 2022년 8월 31일
대상 제품
Content Creation
Business & Productivity
Desktops & Monitors
Business & Productivity Series
Business & Productivity Series
Graphic Cards
Storage & Peripherals
Z690 시리즈
B660 시리즈
파워 서플라이
PC 케이스
All-in-One PC
제품을 구매하고 추첨 이벤트에 참여하세요!
풍성한 경품이 기다리고 있습니다!
1차 추첨 이벤트
3600 회원 포인트를 받을 기회!ㄘ>
2차 추첨 이벤트
풍성한 경품의 기회!
추첨 이벤트 참여 방법
MSI Verse 참가하기
MyMSI 멤버십을 다운로드하고 친구를 초대하면, Katana GF66 노트북과 보너스 포인트, MSI 36주년 한정 경품을 받을 수 있습니다.
추첨 이벤트 참여 방법
이벤트 기간 동안 MyMSI를 처음 다운로드하고 MSI 리워드 프로그램 계정으로 로그인한 후, "Install My MSI App" 항목을 통해 100포인트를 받을 수 있습니다. 이 경우 신청이 정상적으로 완료된 것입니다.
추첨 이벤트 당첨자는 2022년 9월 21일 발표됩니다.
MSI에 대해 얼마나 알고 계신가요?
MSI에 관한 15문제의 정답을 맞추면, MSI 화이트 PC 또는 스팀월렛 2만원 추첨의 기회!
*수량한정 경품
추첨 경품
MSI 화이트 PC
( 1 pc / 1 winner )
MAG B660M 박격포 WIFI + MAG 코어리퀴드 240R V2 화이트 + MPG A750GF 화이트 + MPG 궁니르 110R 화이트
USD 20 스팀월렛
( 10 pcs / 10 winners )
1. 업계의 베테랑인 MSI는 몇 년도에 설립되었을까요?
(Tip: 올해는 설립 36주년입니다!)
2. 아래 모델 중 어떤 메인보드가 화이트 컬러와 DDR5를 지원할까요?
3. 24K 황금을 사용한 MSI 메인보드는 어떤 것일까요?
4. 다음 중 프리인스톨 I/O 실드를 장착한 메인보드는?
5. M.2 SSD의 스로틀링 예방을 위한 M.2 쉴드 프로져가 2개 장착된 MSI B660 메인보드는?
6. 2.4인치 IPS 디스플레이와 MEG 사일런트 게일 P12 팬이 장착된 MSI 수냉쿨러는?
7. ARGB 팬을 지원하는 MSI 수냉쿨러는?
8. MSI 파워 서플라이 중 80PLUS GOLD 인증을 받은 풀 모듈러 제품은?
9. 다음 중 전면 메쉬 패널을 갖춘 MSI 케이스는?
10. MSI 사일런트 게이밍 케이스로서 소음 감쇄를 위한 흡음재 패널을 가진 MSI 케이스는?
11. ATX 규격 메인보드를 지원하는 MSI 케이스는?
12. With manufacturing method of functional surface layer, which MSI gaming chair is the best choice for kids & pets friendly?
13. What kind of vehicle is MSI CH130 series gaming chair inspired by?
14. MSI 제품의 사용 경험을 공유하는 이벤트 이름은?
15. MSI의 마스코트 캐릭터 이름은?
MSI 전문가!
정보를 입력하고, 한정 경품 추첨 이벤트에 참여하세요.
- MSI 36주년 기념 이벤트 (“이벤트”) 는 2022년 7월 25일 00:01 (UTC+8) 부터 시작되며 2022년 8월 31일 23:59 (UTC+8) 까지 진행됩니다. ("이벤트 기간") 이벤트에 참여하면 모든 참가자는 무조건적으로 본 이용약관 및 최종적이며 모든 사항에 구속적인 Micre-Star Int'l Co., Ltd. ("MSI") 의 결정을 따르고 준수할 것을 동의합니다.
- 이벤트 대상 지역: 중국, 일본, 한국, 대만, 독일, 오스트리아, 스위스, 프랑스, 영국, 체코, 슬로바키아, 헝가리, 에스토니아, 라트비아, 리투아니아, 튀르키예, 불가리아, 키프로스, 그리스, 루마니아, 세르비아, 미국, 캐나다, 인도네시아, 인도, 말레이시아, 방글라데시, 스리랑카, 싱가포르, 베트남, 필리핀, 요르단, 레바논, 팔레스타인, 바레인, 이집트, 사우디 아라비아, 쿠웨이트, 오만, 카타르, 아랍 에미리트 연합, 예멘, 이스라엘, 남아프리카 공화국. 참가자는 18세 이상이어야 하며 경품 당첨자는 해당 지역 거주 사실을 입증해야 할 수 있습니다.
- 참가 방법: 이벤트 기간 동안 다음의 절차를 준수하여 참가를 완료해야 합니다.
- 이벤트 웹사이트를 방문합니다:;
- 퀴즈를 풉니다. 모든 문제에 정답을 입력하면 이메일과 성명, 거주지역 정보를 제출해 추첨 이벤트에 참여할 수 있습니다.
- 등록 절차를 완료하여 추첨 이벤트 참여를 완료합니다. 각 참가자는 1번만 참여가 가능합니다.
- MSI의 당첨자 발표를 기다려주십시오.
- 자동화 시스템 또는 로봇을 사용한 개인 또는 조직의 신청은 무효 처리됩니다. 모든 신청은 개인 자격으로 신청해야 합니다. 복수의 계정/이메일 주소나 기타 수단을 통해 규정된 수 이상을 신청하려는 모든 시도는 무자격으로 간주됩니다. 최종 자격은 아래에 명시된 자격 확인의 적용을 받습니다. 참가하려면 이벤트 기간이 끝날 때까지 모든 항목을 게시해야 합니다. MSI의 데이터베이스 시계가 이 이벤트의 공식 시간 기록기가 될 것입니다.
- 수상자 선정: MSI는 2022년 9월 12일(PDT) 대상 참가자 풀에서 11명의 수상자를 선정한다. MSI는 이벤트 웹 사이트와 해당 MSI 소셜 미디어를 통해 수상자를 발표합니다. 당첨자에게는 이벤트 등록 및/또는 제출 페이지에 제공된 이메일 주소로 e-메일이 통지됩니다. 수상 예정자는 통지 후 7일 이내에 MSI의 지시에 따라 이메일로 경품을 받아야 합니다. MSI로부터 해당 통지를 받은 후 7일 이내에 응답하지 않거나 배달 불가로 반환된 당첨자 통지는 경품 몰수를 초래할 수 있습니다. 수상 후보자는 적격성 및 책임 면제의 선서장과 홍보물(총칭 "경품청구서")에 서명하여 반환하도록 할 수 있다. 당첨자가 지정된 기간 내에 응답하지 않으면 경품 청구가 만료됩니다. 이러한 경우, MSI는 새로운 잠재적 우승자를 결정하기 위해 교체 추첨을 실시할 수 있다.
- 경품: 11개 경품은 다음과 같습니다.
- 1등 당첨자(1명): MAG B660M 박격포 WIFI + MAG 코어리퀴드 240R V2 화이트 + MPG A750GF 화이트 + MPG 궁니르 110R 화이트. 미화 585달러 상당
- 2등 당첨자(10명): 각 2만원 스팀월렛 코드 1개
- 행운의 추첨에 참여하기 위해 구매할 필요가 없습니다. 참가자 전원에게 본 이벤트는 MSI에 요청서를 작성하여 대만 신타이베이시 우편번호 23584 중허구 라이드거리 69번지에 위치한 MSI 대만사무소 Micro-Star Int'l Co., Ltd.로 우편으로 보내면 무료로 추첨에 응모할 수 있습니다. 참가자의 서면 요청이 받아들여지려면 읽기 쉬워야 하며, 참가자의 전체 이름, 유효한 우편 주소(NOP. BOX), 전화 번호 및 MSI가 참가자를 확인할 수 있는 모든 이메일 주소, 이벤트 이름을 포함해야 합니다. 참가자는 한 명당 한 명만 참가할 수 있습니다. MSI는 또한 해당 항목에 제공된 연락처 정보를 사용하여 참가자에게 연락합니다.
- 조기 종료 및 수정: MSI는 기술적(예: 컴퓨터 바이러스, 소프트웨어/하드웨어의 조작 또는 오류), 법적 또는 기타 이유(예: 법률 대리인 또는 온라인 플랫폼에 의한 제한)로 인해 이벤트의 적절한 실행을 보장할 수 없는 경우 이유 없이 이벤트의 전체 또는 일부를 조기 종료하거나 경로를 변경할 수 있는 권한을 보유합니다.
- 본 이벤트는 최종 사용자를 대상으로 하며, 관계자는 참여할 수 없습니다. MSI 및 MSI 자회사, 협력사, 제조사, 비즈니스 파트너, 유통사, 도매상, 소매상, 리테일러 또는 대행사 직원과 직계 가족은 이벤트에 참여할 수 없습니다.
- MSI는 규제 당국의 지시에 따라 사전 통지 없이 이러한 조건을 조정할 수 있는 권한을 보유합니다. MSI는 재량에 따라 이러한 조건을 충족하지 못하거나 위반하는 참가자를 실격시킬 수 있습니다.
개인정보 보호정책.
MSI는 경우에 따라 이벤트 참가 과정과 제품등록 과정에서 고객이 자발적으로 제공한 구매정보, 보상 코드, 제품의 시리얼넘버, 성명, 메일 주소 등의 정보를 제한 없이 요청할 수 있습니다. 추가로, MSI는 쿠키 정보 혹은 웹사이트에 내장된 분석도구를 통해 간접적으로 정보를 수집할 수 있습니다. MSI가 수집한 정보는 다음과 같은 목적으로 사용됩니다: 이벤트 진행, 고객의 이벤트 대상 여부 확인, 필요 시 고객 접촉, 고객에 전달될 경품 확정, 고객과 MSI의 관계가 지속되는 동안 (예: 제품보증과 같은 MSI의 서비스를 이용, 메일 안내 등) 등록된 제품 정보 저장 및 상품과 서비스 개발을 위한 단독 내부시장 분석 등. 고객의 정보는 제 3사에 공유되지 않으나, 다음의 경우에 예외적으로 공유됩니다: i) 해당 이벤트 진행을 위한 MSI의 인터넷 서비스와 웹사이트 제공사로의 공유 ii) 해당 법률의 실질적, 혹 잠재적인 위반에 대해 법원, 경찰 등 당국의 요청이 있을 경우 필요한 범위 내에서 답변 또는 보고 용도. MSI 사업의 국제적인 특성으로 인해, MSI는 MSI 그룹 내와 상기된 제 3자에 이용약관에 명시된 목적을 위해 개인정보를 전송할 것입니다. 따라서 MSI는 고객이 거주하는 국가와 상이한 법률 및 정보보호방침이 적용되는 국가로 개인정보를 전송할 수 있습니다. 고객의 정보가 어떻게 이용되고 가공될 수 있는지에 관한 더욱 상세한 내용은 MSI의 개인정보 보호정책에서 확인이 가능합니다. MSI의 개인정보 보호정책은 이용약관의 일부를 구성하며, 따라서 완전한 권리와 효력을 포함합니다.
메일 구독 서비스
MSI는 고객에게 MSI 제품 소식과 서비스 업데이트를 전달하기 위한 MSI 메일 리스트에 대한 참가를 요청할 수 있습니다. 고객이 해당 리스트 구독을 바라지 않는다면, 구독 또는 유사한 내용의 체크박스에 체크를 하지 말아주십시오.
참가자 라이선스
이 이벤트를 위해 고객이 제출한 제한 없는 서면 자료, 피드백, 코멘트, 컨텐츠, 리뷰, 영상, 사진 (“제출된 자료”)에 대해, 고객은 MSI의 개인정보보호정책의 항목 및 MSI에 의해 MSI와 MSI의 전 세계에 걸친 자회사에 영구적이고, 불가역적이며 로열티가 없고, 완전히 보상되었으며, 세계적으로 사용가능하고, 하위 라이선스를 사용 가능하며, 재생산 가능하고, 복사, 배포, 파생상품 제작, 전시와 공개를 비롯한 다양한 사용, 활용에 관한 권리를 승인합니다.
참가자 대표와 보증
고객은 다음을 대표하며 보증합니다.- 고객이 제공한 정보는 정확하며 사실입니다;
- 고객은 완전한 자격, 능력, 권력 및 본 이벤트에 참가할 권리를 갖고 있으며, 이용약관에 따라 이벤트 참가에 필요한 라이선스 및 주장, 보증을 수행합니다;
- 고객은 상기된 MSI와 그 자회사에 라이선스를 부여하기 위해 필요한 모든 승인, 동의, 허가, 라이선스와 포기를 했으며 이를 유지합니다; 그리고
- 고객은 모든 법률을 준수하여 당 이벤트에 참가했습니다.
참가자 면책
고객은 MSI와 그 자회사, 승계자, 양도자, 감독권자, 대리인에 대해, 법적 책임과 피해, 판결, 비용, 비용상 손해, 고발로 인한 수수료(합리적인 범위의 변호사 수임료 포함), 경찰수사, 소송 혹은 본 사용규약에 명시된 보증, 책임, 또는 제 3자에 의해 주장되었거나 고객이 본 이용약관의 책임, 보증, 대표를 파기한 것에 연관된 기타 법적 규제로부터 보호하고, 면책하며 손실을 부담할 것입니다.
참가자의 이해와 동의
고객은 다음을 이해하며 동의합니다:- MSI는 다음과 같은 독점적인 재량권을 갖습니다:
- 참가자가 선의를 가지고 이벤트에 필요한 자료를 작성하였는지 결정적이고 확실한 자료에 근거하여 판단할 권리. 여타 다른 항을 제한하지 않는 분명한 목적을 위하여 MSI는 참가자의 자격을 박탈할 수 있습니다: a) i이벤트 참가나 제품 등록이 불완전한 경우, b)이벤트 참가를 위해 필요한 제품군 혹은 지역 제한에 부합하지 않는 경우, c) MSI에 제공된 자료가 편집되었거나 기만의 목적이 있거나 법적으로 효력이 없는 경우, d) 자동화 코드, 스크립트, 플러그인이나 기타 다른 수단이 이벤트 참가에 사용된 경우, e) 참가자가 이벤트 참여에 법적 자격이 없는 경우, f) 이벤트 참여 과정에서 불법 또는 범죄행위가 행해졌거나 그렇다고 주장된 경우.
- 정당한 사유가 있는 경우 사전고지 없이 본 이용약관을 수정 또는 삭제, 추가할 권리:
- MSI 및 참가자의 권리와 의무에 영향을 미치는 이벤트 규칙 및 조직을 관리하는 법률의 개정
- 이벤트 기간의 연장 또는 단축
- 기술적, 기계적 또는 상업적 이유에 의한 이벤트 진행 방식의 변경
- MSI는 경품이나 경품을 사용하는 과정에서 발생한 손실, 불만족에 대해 법적 책임이 없으며 이를 맡지 않습니다. 경품을 받은 고객은 MSI에 어떤 요청도 할 수 없습니다;
- MSI는 지연, 오배송, 손실 혹은 기계적, 기술적, 전기적, 구두전달, 전화, 컴퓨터, 하드웨어, 인터넷 혹은 소프트웨어, 오작동 또는 기타 실패로 인한 당첨사실 전달 실패에 대해 책임이 없음을 주장합니다. 이러한 우연으로 인해 경품 당첨자는 경품을 받을 권리와 기타 연관 보상을 무조건적으로 포기합니다.
- MSI는 다음과 같은 독점적인 재량권을 갖습니다:
MSI 보증 제외
MSI의 경품은 상품성, 비침해 또는 특정한 목적에 부합한다는 보증을 포함한 어떤 종류의 보증도 제시하거나 암시하지 않은 상태로 제공됩니다.
법적 책임의 한계
MSI는 관련 법률에서 허용하는 최대 범위까지(계약, 보증, 부주의 또는 기타 불법행위, 법적 의무의 위반 또는 기타의 원칙에 근거한 책임 이론에 관계없이) 청구에 대해 고객에게 책임을 지지 않습니다. (예측 가능 여부에 관계없이) 손상은 수익, 수익, 영업권 또는 교체 비용을 포함하되 이에 국한되지 않습니다.
당 이용약관은 법률 원칙의 상충을 무시하여 대만 법에 의해 규제되고 해석되며, 이벤트와 이용약관의 모든 충돌은 대만 타이페이 지방법원에 의해 조정될 것입니다. 관할 법원에 의해 무효화된 모든 조항은 삭제될 것이며, 나머지 이용약관은 모든 효력을 유지할 것입니다. MSI의 이용약관에 근거한 권리 집행의 실패는 포기를 의미하지 않습니다. MSI는 합리적인 통제를 넘어선 상황으로 인한 권리 실행의 실패에 법적 책임을 지지 않습니다. 본 이용약관은 고객이 제 3자에게 양도하거나 전달할 수 없습니다; 적합하지 않은 모든 양도는 무효이며 법적 효력이 없습니다. 본 약관은 이벤트와 관련하여 당사자 간의 전체 계약을 구성하며, 구두 또는 기타의 사전 계약, 통신, 대표 또는 토론을 대체합니다.
- 나는 본 이용약관의 내용을 전부 이해하였으며 동의합니다.
- MSI 뉴스레터 구독
MSI 최신 소식을 받고 싶으시면 하기 박스를 클릭해주세요. 클릭하게 되면 고객의 개인정보가 [Micro-Star International Co., LTD.]에 의해 처리되어 고객에게 [MSI서비스, 제품, 향후 이벤트]의 정보를 전달합니다. 뉴스레터 구독 해지는 언제든지 여기서 가능합니다.
To celebrate MSI's 36th anniversary, we prepared some special prizes! - GARMIN INSTINCT ESPORTS WATCH. Purchase selected MSI Gaming desktops and be in with a chance to win the perfect esports watch to match your gaming setup! Thanks for supporting MSI over the years.
Eligible Products
Special Prizes for 36th Anniversary
7 winners
Retail Price: $299.99 USD
We know how impactful health and body care can be when getting into your game! So, we've teamed up with GARMIN to offer 7x GARMIN INSTINCT ESPORTS watches as a prize.
How To Join the Raffle?
Redemption Period: 25th of July to 14th of September,2022
Eligible Invoice Period: 25th of July to 31st of August, 2022
- Purchase one (1) or more eligible MSI desktop product(s), or one (1) MSI monitor product(s) valued at EUR 360 or above, respectively listed below, and register the product(s) in MSI’s Member Center ( Entries will be deemed invalid if the purchased eligible product(s) is/are returned or refunded within fourteen (14) days of purchase.
- The purchase invoice must be issued between Jul. 25th – Aug. 31st, 2022(UTC+8).
- Completing the eligible product registration will automatically enroll participants in a lucky draw. Each eligible desktop and monitor product category will have an independent draw. There are two (2) draws in total for this Event. Each eligible participant may enter each draw only once, regardless of the number of eligible product(s) purchased.
- The lucky draw prizes and number of prizes are as follows:
Desktop Product Draw prize listSeven (7) GARMIN INSTINCT ESPORTS valued at US$299.99 each.Monitor Product Draw prize listSeven (7) GARMIN INSTINCT ESPORTS valued at US$299.99 each.
- NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY TO ENTER THE LUCKY DRAW. For all participants, this Event is free to enter for a chance to win the draw prize by writing a request to MSI and mailing this request to MSI’s Taiwan office, Micro-Star Int’l Co., Ltd., located at No.69 Lide Street, Zhonghe Dist., Postal Code 23584, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Participant’s written request must be legible to be accepted, and must include participant’s full name, a valid mailing address (NO P.O. BOX), phone number and any email address to allow MSI to verify the participant, and the name of the Event. Only one entry will be permitted per participant. MSI will also use the contact information provided in the entry to contact the participant, as appropriate.
- The winners of the lucky draw will be selected in a random drawing from among all eligible entries received throughout the Event Period. The random drawing will be processed on Sept. 20th, 2022(UTC+8). One prize per person and per household will be awarded. The winners will be announced on the event page. MSI will email each winner to confirm delivery information such as name, address (no PO Boxes), and phone number. If a winner does not respond to MSI’s notice within five (5) workdays, the prize will be deemed forfeited and MSI will randomly select a new winner. Physical prizes may take up to eight (8) weeks or more to be delivered due to customs clearance. MSI shall not be liable for any loss or delays resulting from incorrect or missing information provided. MSI shall have no liability for a Winner's failure to receive notices due to spam, junk e-mail or other security settings or for a Winner’s provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information.
- Eligible MSI products:
MonitorAny MSI brand monitor with the purchase price of EUR360 or above for that monitor unit.DesktopMEG Aegis Ti5 12th, MEG Trident X 12th, MPG Trident A 12th, MPG Trident AS 12th, MAG Infinite S3 12th, MAG Codex 5 12th, MAG Codex X5 12th, MEG Aegis Ti5 11th, MEG Trident X 11th, MPG Trident A 11th, MPG Trident AS 11th, MPG Trident 3 Arctic 11th, MPG Trident 3 11th, MEG Infinite X 11th, MAG Infinite 11th, MAG Infinite S3 11th, MAG Codex X5 11th, MAG Codex 5 11th, MAG Trident S 5M, Meta 5S.
- Eligible Regions: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Canada, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Israel, South Africa, excluding restricted, sanctioned, or embargoed countries or regions. Proof of residency may be required.
Standard Terms
- Any and all prize related expenses, including without limitation any and all federal, state, and/or local taxes shall be the sole responsibility of the Winner. MSI makes no representation or warranty concerning the appearance, safety or performance of any prize awarded. Restrictions, conditions, and limitations may apply. MSI will not replace any lost or stolen prize items. The risk is transferred to the winner when the prize is handed over to a postal delivery service. MSI shall not be responsible for delivery damages.
- All prizes are not provided with any warranty. All prizes are not transferable, substitution, or redeemable for cash or any other goods. If a prize becomes unavailable due to circumstances beyond MSI’s reasonable control, MSI may, at its sole discretion, adjust the prize content by replacing the prize with another product of equivalent value.
- Early termination and amendments: MSI reserves the right to prematurely terminate the Event in whole or in part without reason at any time or to change its course if it is not possible to guarantee the proper execution of the Event for technical (e.g. computer virus, manipulation of or errors in software/hardware), legal or other reasons (e.g. prohibition by a government agency or online platform)
- This Event is only for eligible end user consumers and not businesses. MSI, MSI affiliates, subsidiary, manufacturer, business partner, distributor, wholesaler, reseller, retailer, or agency employees and their immediate families are not eligible to participate in this Event.
- MSI retains the right to make adjustments of these terms without prior notice subject to any directions from a regulatory authority. MSI may, at its discretion, disqualify participants who do not meet or violate these terms.
- Participants must be at least 18 years old. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.
Privacy Policy.
We may ask You for information during the Event enrolment and product registration process that may, as applicable, include without limitation Your email, name, product serial number, redemption code, purchase information, and other voluntary information You provide. In addition, we may indirectly gather information from you via cookies or website embedded analytics. The information we collect will be used in the following manner: to run this Event, to verify Your eligibility, to contact You if needed, to ensure prize(s) can be sent to You, to store registered product data for as long as an ongoing relationship exists between us (eg. When You use our services such as warranty, eDM notices, etc.), and to use solely for internal market studies for developing better products and services. Your information will not be shared with third parties, except: i) to third party processors such as our internet service and website providers in order for us to execute this Event; or ii) when reporting or responding to actual or suspected breach of applicable laws to legal and regulatory authorities such as courts or the police to the extent needed.
Because of the international nature of our business, we transfer information within the MSI group, and to third parties as referenced above, in connection with the purpose set forth in these terms and conditions. Therefore, we may transfer information to countries that may have different laws and data protection compliance requirements that those applicable in the country You are located.
Further details of how Your information may be used and processed are detailed in MSI’s privacy policy, available at The MSI Privacy Policy constitutes a part of this Terms and Conditions, and is hereby incorporated by reference with full force and effect.
eDM Subscription.
You may be asked to join MSI's eDM emailing list to receive MSI product news or service updates. If you do not want to subscribe to this list, please do not check the subscribe or similarly titled check box.
Participant License.
For any material You may provide to us for this Event, including without limitations, pictures, videos, reviews, content, comment, feedback, and written material, as applicable (collectively, “Submitted Materials”), You hereby grant MSI and its worldwide subsidiaries a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid up, worldwide, sublicensable license to use, reproduce, copy, distribute, create derivative works of, publicly display and perform, and otherwise use or exploit the Submitted Materials in any legal manner reasonably determined by MSI and subject to MSI’s Privacy Policy.
Participant Representation and Warranties.
You hereby represent and warrant that:- The information You have provided is accurate and true;
- You have the full authority, capacity, power, and right to enroll in this Event, and make the required license grant, representation, and warranties under this Terms and Conditions;
- You have obtained and will maintain all applicable approval, consent, permissions, licenses, and waivers necessary to grant the licenses stated above to MSI and its subsidiaries; and
- You have complied with all applicable laws in enrolling in this Event.
Participant Indemnification.
You shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless MSI, its affiliates, and successors, assigns, directors, and agents, from and against any and all liabilities, damages, judgments, costs, expenses, and fees (including reasonable attorney’s fees) resulting from any claims, investigations, litigation, or other legal or administrative action by third parties arising out of or relating to any actual or alleged breach by You of any representations, warranties, undertakings in this Terms and Conditions
Participant Acknowledgement and Consent.
You hereby acknowledge and agree that:- MSI reserves the sole and discretionary right:
- to determine, on a final and conclusive basis, whether a participant has fulfilled the Event requirements in good faith. For illustrative purpose without limiting any other terms, MSI may disqualify participants: a) if Event enrolment or product registration is incomplete, b) if Event eligibility requirements such as applicable product line or regional restrictions are not met; c) if the provided documents are forged, fraudulent, or void; d) if automated codes, scripts, plugins or other means were used to enter or complete Event enrolment; e) if participant does not have the legal capacity to enroll in this Event, or f) if criminal or illegal acts are committed or allegedly committed to enroll in this Event;
- to replace the prize with items of similar value without prior notice;
- to vary, delete or add to any of these terms and
conditions if there is valid reason understood as:
- amendment of the laws governing the rules and organization of the Event, affecting the rights and obligations of MSI and participants
- extension or reduction of the duration of the Event
- change in the way the Event is carried out due to technical, technological or commercial reasons
MSI is not liable and assumes no liability to any person for any loss, dissatisfaction, or damage arising from the prize, and uses thereof. Winners shall not make any claims against MSI.
- MSI is not liable and assumes no liability to any person for any loss, dissatisfaction, or damage arising from the prize, and uses thereof. Winners shall not make any claims against MSI;
- MSI disclaims all liability for any delays, misdelivery, loss, or failure in the delivery of the winning notification due to mechanical, technical, electronic, communications, telephone, computer, hardware, internet, or software errors, malfunctions, or failures of any kind. In such eventuality, the winner unconditionally waives his/her right to the prize and any associated compensation.
- MSI reserves the sole and discretionary right:
MSI Warranties Exclusion.
Limitation of Liability.
This Terms and Conditions is governed and construed by the laws of Taiwan, regardless of conflict of law principles, and all disputes arising from the Event and these terms shall be adjudicated by the Taipei District Court in Taipei, Taiwan. Any provision invalidated by a competent court shall be stricken, and the remaining Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect. Failure by MSI to enforce any right under this Terms and Condition shall not be deemed to be a waiver. MSI shall not be liable for any failure to perform due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control. This Terms and Conditions shall not be assigned or otherwise transferred by You to any other third party; all unauthorized assignments are null and void. This Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Event, and supersede any prior agreements, communications, representations, or discussions, oral or otherwise.
Event Duration and Enrolment. From Jul. 25th – Aug. 31st, 2022(UTC+8), participants may enroll in the “MSI 36th ANNIVERSARY” event (“Event”) available at To enter, You must complete the following steps:
- I fully understand the contents of the Terms and Conditions and agree to them.
- Subscribe to MSI Newsletters
Please check the box if you would like to receive our latest news and updates. By clicking here, you consent to the processing of your personal data by [Micro-Star International Co., LTD.] to send you information about [MSI’s products, services and upcoming events]. Please note that you can unsubscribe from the MSI Newsletters here at any time.
Fill out the form to join the raffle!
To celebrate MSI's 36th anniversary and a thank you for all the support over the years, we've provided some special offers on both Flat and Curved Gaming Monitors. Now is the perfect time to complete your masterpiece of a gaming setup.
Eligible Products
Special Prizes for 36th Anniversary
7 winners
Retail Price: $299.99 USD
Join the raffle of GARMIN INSTINCT ESPORTS watch, if the monitor's amount on the invoice is more than €360 EUR.
How To Join the Raffle?
Redemption Period: 25th of July to 14th of September,2022
Eligible Invoice Period: 25th of July to 31st of August, 2022
- Purchase one (1) or more eligible MSI desktop product(s), or one (1) MSI monitor product(s) valued at EUR 360 or above, respectively listed below, and register the product(s) in MSI’s Member Center ( Entries will be deemed invalid if the purchased eligible product(s) is/are returned or refunded within fourteen (14) days of purchase.
- The purchase invoice must be issued between Jul. 25th – Aug. 31st, 2022(UTC+8).
- Completing the eligible product registration will automatically enroll participants in a lucky draw. Each eligible desktop and monitor product category will have an independent draw. There are two (2) draws in total for this Event. Each eligible participant may enter each draw only once, regardless of the number of eligible product(s) purchased.
- The lucky draw prizes and number of prizes are as follows:
Desktop Product Draw prize listSeven (7) GARMIN INSTINCT ESPORTS valued at US$299.99 each.Monitor Product Draw prize listSeven (7) GARMIN INSTINCT ESPORTS valued at US$299.99 each.
- NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY TO ENTER THE LUCKY DRAW. For all participants, this Event is free to enter for a chance to win the draw prize by writing a request to MSI and mailing this request to MSI’s Taiwan office, Micro-Star Int’l Co., Ltd., located at No.69 Lide Street, Zhonghe Dist., Postal Code 23584, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Participant’s written request must be legible to be accepted, and must include participant’s full name, a valid mailing address (NO P.O. BOX), phone number and any email address to allow MSI to verify the participant, and the name of the Event. Only one entry will be permitted per participant. MSI will also use the contact information provided in the entry to contact the participant, as appropriate.
- The winners of the lucky draw will be selected in a random drawing from among all eligible entries received throughout the Event Period. The random drawing will be processed on Sept. 20th, 2022(UTC+8). One prize per person and per household will be awarded. The winners will be announced on the event page. MSI will email each winner to confirm delivery information such as name, address (no PO Boxes), and phone number. If a winner does not respond to MSI’s notice within five (5) workdays, the prize will be deemed forfeited and MSI will randomly select a new winner. Physical prizes may take up to eight (8) weeks or more to be delivered due to customs clearance. MSI shall not be liable for any loss or delays resulting from incorrect or missing information provided. MSI shall have no liability for a Winner's failure to receive notices due to spam, junk e-mail or other security settings or for a Winner’s provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information.
- Eligible MSI products:
MonitorAny MSI brand monitor with the purchase price of EUR360 or above for that monitor unit.DesktopMEG Aegis Ti5 12th, MEG Trident X 12th, MPG Trident A 12th, MPG Trident AS 12th, MAG Infinite S3 12th, MAG Codex 5 12th, MAG Codex X5 12th, MEG Aegis Ti5 11th, MEG Trident X 11th, MPG Trident A 11th, MPG Trident AS 11th, MPG Trident 3 Arctic 11th, MPG Trident 3 11th, MEG Infinite X 11th, MAG Infinite 11th, MAG Infinite S3 11th, MAG Codex X5 11th, MAG Codex 5 11th, MAG Trident S 5M, Meta 5S.
- Eligible Regions: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Canada, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Israel, South Africa, excluding restricted, sanctioned, or embargoed countries or regions. Proof of residency may be required.
Standard Terms
- Any and all prize related expenses, including without limitation any and all federal, state, and/or local taxes shall be the sole responsibility of the Winner. MSI makes no representation or warranty concerning the appearance, safety or performance of any prize awarded. Restrictions, conditions, and limitations may apply. MSI will not replace any lost or stolen prize items. The risk is transferred to the winner when the prize is handed over to a postal delivery service. MSI shall not be responsible for delivery damages.
- All prizes are not provided with any warranty. All prizes are not transferable, substitution, or redeemable for cash or any other goods. If a prize becomes unavailable due to circumstances beyond MSI’s reasonable control, MSI may, at its sole discretion, adjust the prize content by replacing the prize with another product of equivalent value.
- Early termination and amendments: MSI reserves the right to prematurely terminate the Event in whole or in part without reason at any time or to change its course if it is not possible to guarantee the proper execution of the Event for technical (e.g. computer virus, manipulation of or errors in software/hardware), legal or other reasons (e.g. prohibition by a government agency or online platform)
- This Event is only for eligible end user consumers and not businesses. MSI, MSI affiliates, subsidiary, manufacturer, business partner, distributor, wholesaler, reseller, retailer, or agency employees and their immediate families are not eligible to participate in this Event.
- MSI retains the right to make adjustments of these terms without prior notice subject to any directions from a regulatory authority. MSI may, at its discretion, disqualify participants who do not meet or violate these terms.
- Participants must be at least 18 years old. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.
Privacy Policy.
We may ask You for information during the Event enrolment and product registration process that may, as applicable, include without limitation Your email, name, product serial number, redemption code, purchase information, and other voluntary information You provide. In addition, we may indirectly gather information from you via cookies or website embedded analytics. The information we collect will be used in the following manner: to run this Event, to verify Your eligibility, to contact You if needed, to ensure prize(s) can be sent to You, to store registered product data for as long as an ongoing relationship exists between us (eg. When You use our services such as warranty, eDM notices, etc.), and to use solely for internal market studies for developing better products and services. Your information will not be shared with third parties, except: i) to third party processors such as our internet service and website providers in order for us to execute this Event; or ii) when reporting or responding to actual or suspected breach of applicable laws to legal and regulatory authorities such as courts or the police to the extent needed.
Because of the international nature of our business, we transfer information within the MSI group, and to third parties as referenced above, in connection with the purpose set forth in these terms and conditions. Therefore, we may transfer information to countries that may have different laws and data protection compliance requirements that those applicable in the country You are located.
Further details of how Your information may be used and processed are detailed in MSI’s privacy policy, available at The MSI Privacy Policy constitutes a part of this Terms and Conditions, and is hereby incorporated by reference with full force and effect.
eDM Subscription.
You may be asked to join MSI's eDM emailing list to receive MSI product news or service updates. If you do not want to subscribe to this list, please do not check the subscribe or similarly titled check box.
Participant License.
For any material You may provide to us for this Event, including without limitations, pictures, videos, reviews, content, comment, feedback, and written material, as applicable (collectively, “Submitted Materials”), You hereby grant MSI and its worldwide subsidiaries a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid up, worldwide, sublicensable license to use, reproduce, copy, distribute, create derivative works of, publicly display and perform, and otherwise use or exploit the Submitted Materials in any legal manner reasonably determined by MSI and subject to MSI’s Privacy Policy.
Participant Representation and Warranties.
You hereby represent and warrant that:- The information You have provided is accurate and true;
- You have the full authority, capacity, power, and right to enroll in this Event, and make the required license grant, representation, and warranties under this Terms and Conditions;
- You have obtained and will maintain all applicable approval, consent, permissions, licenses, and waivers necessary to grant the licenses stated above to MSI and its subsidiaries; and
- You have complied with all applicable laws in enrolling in this Event.
Participant Indemnification.
You shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless MSI, its affiliates, and successors, assigns, directors, and agents, from and against any and all liabilities, damages, judgments, costs, expenses, and fees (including reasonable attorney’s fees) resulting from any claims, investigations, litigation, or other legal or administrative action by third parties arising out of or relating to any actual or alleged breach by You of any representations, warranties, undertakings in this Terms and Conditions
Participant Acknowledgement and Consent.
You hereby acknowledge and agree that:- MSI reserves the sole and discretionary right:
- to determine, on a final and conclusive basis, whether a participant has fulfilled the Event requirements in good faith. For illustrative purpose without limiting any other terms, MSI may disqualify participants: a) if Event enrolment or product registration is incomplete, b) if Event eligibility requirements such as applicable product line or regional restrictions are not met; c) if the provided documents are forged, fraudulent, or void; d) if automated codes, scripts, plugins or other means were used to enter or complete Event enrolment; e) if participant does not have the legal capacity to enroll in this Event, or f) if criminal or illegal acts are committed or allegedly committed to enroll in this Event;
- to replace the prize with items of similar value without prior notice;
- to vary, delete or add to any of these terms and
conditions if there is valid reason understood as:
- amendment of the laws governing the rules and organization of the Event, affecting the rights and obligations of MSI and participants
- extension or reduction of the duration of the Event
- change in the way the Event is carried out due to technical, technological or commercial reasons
MSI is not liable and assumes no liability to any person for any loss, dissatisfaction, or damage arising from the prize, and uses thereof. Winners shall not make any claims against MSI.
- MSI is not liable and assumes no liability to any person for any loss, dissatisfaction, or damage arising from the prize, and uses thereof. Winners shall not make any claims against MSI;
- MSI disclaims all liability for any delays, misdelivery, loss, or failure in the delivery of the winning notification due to mechanical, technical, electronic, communications, telephone, computer, hardware, internet, or software errors, malfunctions, or failures of any kind. In such eventuality, the winner unconditionally waives his/her right to the prize and any associated compensation.
- MSI reserves the sole and discretionary right:
MSI Warranties Exclusion.
Limitation of Liability.
This Terms and Conditions is governed and construed by the laws of Taiwan, regardless of conflict of law principles, and all disputes arising from the Event and these terms shall be adjudicated by the Taipei District Court in Taipei, Taiwan. Any provision invalidated by a competent court shall be stricken, and the remaining Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect. Failure by MSI to enforce any right under this Terms and Condition shall not be deemed to be a waiver. MSI shall not be liable for any failure to perform due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control. This Terms and Conditions shall not be assigned or otherwise transferred by You to any other third party; all unauthorized assignments are null and void. This Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Event, and supersede any prior agreements, communications, representations, or discussions, oral or otherwise.
Event Duration and Enrolment. From Jul. 25th – Aug. 31st, 2022(UTC+8), participants may enroll in the “MSI 36th ANNIVERSARY” event (“Event”) available at To enter, You must complete the following steps:
- I fully understand the contents of the Terms and Conditions and agree to them.
- Subscribe to MSI Newsletters
Please check the box if you would like to receive our latest news and updates. By clicking here, you consent to the processing of your personal data by [Micro-Star International Co., LTD.] to send you information about [MSI’s products, services and upcoming events]. Please note that you can unsubscribe from the MSI Newsletters here at any time.
Fill out the form to join the raffle!
8월은 MSI에게 특별한 달이며, 동시에 이 기회를 통해 지난 몇 년간 여러분의 지원에 감사드리고 싶습니다. 여러분과 함께 기쁨을 나누기 위해, 저희는 여러 비즈니스 및 생산성 라인업 제품에 대한 특별 할인을 제공하고 있습니다. MSI 창립 36주년을 기념하여 여러분의 일상에 동행할 수 있도록 초대합니다.
추첨 이벤트 참여방법
- Purchase one (1) or more eligible MSI desktop product(s), or one (1) MSI monitor product(s) valued at EUR 360 or above, respectively listed below, and register the product(s) in MSI’s Member Center ( Entries will be deemed invalid if the purchased eligible product(s) is/are returned or refunded within fourteen (14) days of purchase.
- The purchase invoice must be issued between Jul. 25th – Aug. 31st, 2022(UTC+8).
- Completing the eligible product registration will automatically enroll participants in a lucky draw. Each eligible desktop and monitor product category will have an independent draw. There are two (2) draws in total for this Event. Each eligible participant may enter each draw only once, regardless of the number of eligible product(s) purchased.
- The lucky draw prizes and number of prizes are as follows:
Desktop Product Draw prize listSeven (7) GARMIN INSTINCT ESPORTS valued at US$299.99 each.Monitor Product Draw prize listSeven (7) GARMIN INSTINCT ESPORTS valued at US$299.99 each.
- NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY TO ENTER THE LUCKY DRAW. For all participants, this Event is free to enter for a chance to win the draw prize by writing a request to MSI and mailing this request to MSI’s Taiwan office, Micro-Star Int’l Co., Ltd., located at No.69 Lide Street, Zhonghe Dist., Postal Code 23584, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Participant’s written request must be legible to be accepted, and must include participant’s full name, a valid mailing address (NO P.O. BOX), phone number and any email address to allow MSI to verify the participant, and the name of the Event. Only one entry will be permitted per participant. MSI will also use the contact information provided in the entry to contact the participant, as appropriate.
- The winners of the lucky draw will be selected in a random drawing from among all eligible entries received throughout the Event Period. The random drawing will be processed on Sept. 20th, 2022(UTC+8). One prize per person and per household will be awarded. The winners will be announced on the event page. MSI will email each winner to confirm delivery information such as name, address (no PO Boxes), and phone number. If a winner does not respond to MSI’s notice within five (5) workdays, the prize will be deemed forfeited and MSI will randomly select a new winner. Physical prizes may take up to eight (8) weeks or more to be delivered due to customs clearance. MSI shall not be liable for any loss or delays resulting from incorrect or missing information provided. MSI shall have no liability for a Winner's failure to receive notices due to spam, junk e-mail or other security settings or for a Winner’s provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information.
- Eligible MSI products:
MonitorAny MSI brand monitor with the purchase price of EUR360 or above for that monitor unit.DesktopMEG Aegis Ti5 12th, MEG Trident X 12th, MPG Trident A 12th, MPG Trident AS 12th, MAG Infinite S3 12th, MAG Codex 5 12th, MAG Codex X5 12th, MEG Aegis Ti5 11th, MEG Trident X 11th, MPG Trident A 11th, MPG Trident AS 11th, MPG Trident 3 Arctic 11th, MPG Trident 3 11th, MEG Infinite X 11th, MAG Infinite 11th, MAG Infinite S3 11th, MAG Codex X5 11th, MAG Codex 5 11th, MAG Trident S 5M, Meta 5S.
- Eligible Regions: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Canada, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Israel, South Africa, excluding restricted, sanctioned, or embargoed countries or regions. Proof of residency may be required.
Standard Terms
- Any and all prize related expenses, including without limitation any and all federal, state, and/or local taxes shall be the sole responsibility of the Winner. MSI makes no representation or warranty concerning the appearance, safety or performance of any prize awarded. Restrictions, conditions, and limitations may apply. MSI will not replace any lost or stolen prize items. The risk is transferred to the winner when the prize is handed over to a postal delivery service. MSI shall not be responsible for delivery damages.
- All prizes are not provided with any warranty. All prizes are not transferable, substitution, or redeemable for cash or any other goods. If a prize becomes unavailable due to circumstances beyond MSI’s reasonable control, MSI may, at its sole discretion, adjust the prize content by replacing the prize with another product of equivalent value.
- Early termination and amendments: MSI reserves the right to prematurely terminate the Event in whole or in part without reason at any time or to change its course if it is not possible to guarantee the proper execution of the Event for technical (e.g. computer virus, manipulation of or errors in software/hardware), legal or other reasons (e.g. prohibition by a government agency or online platform)
- This Event is only for eligible end user consumers and not businesses. MSI, MSI affiliates, subsidiary, manufacturer, business partner, distributor, wholesaler, reseller, retailer, or agency employees and their immediate families are not eligible to participate in this Event.
- MSI retains the right to make adjustments of these terms without prior notice subject to any directions from a regulatory authority. MSI may, at its discretion, disqualify participants who do not meet or violate these terms.
- Participants must be at least 18 years old. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.
Privacy Policy.
We may ask You for information during the Event enrolment and product registration process that may, as applicable, include without limitation Your email, name, product serial number, redemption code, purchase information, and other voluntary information You provide. In addition, we may indirectly gather information from you via cookies or website embedded analytics. The information we collect will be used in the following manner: to run this Event, to verify Your eligibility, to contact You if needed, to ensure prize(s) can be sent to You, to store registered product data for as long as an ongoing relationship exists between us (eg. When You use our services such as warranty, eDM notices, etc.), and to use solely for internal market studies for developing better products and services. Your information will not be shared with third parties, except: i) to third party processors such as our internet service and website providers in order for us to execute this Event; or ii) when reporting or responding to actual or suspected breach of applicable laws to legal and regulatory authorities such as courts or the police to the extent needed.
Because of the international nature of our business, we transfer information within the MSI group, and to third parties as referenced above, in connection with the purpose set forth in these terms and conditions. Therefore, we may transfer information to countries that may have different laws and data protection compliance requirements that those applicable in the country You are located.
Further details of how Your information may be used and processed are detailed in MSI’s privacy policy, available at The MSI Privacy Policy constitutes a part of this Terms and Conditions, and is hereby incorporated by reference with full force and effect.
eDM Subscription.
You may be asked to join MSI's eDM emailing list to receive MSI product news or service updates. If you do not want to subscribe to this list, please do not check the subscribe or similarly titled check box.
Participant License.
For any material You may provide to us for this Event, including without limitations, pictures, videos, reviews, content, comment, feedback, and written material, as applicable (collectively, “Submitted Materials”), You hereby grant MSI and its worldwide subsidiaries a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid up, worldwide, sublicensable license to use, reproduce, copy, distribute, create derivative works of, publicly display and perform, and otherwise use or exploit the Submitted Materials in any legal manner reasonably determined by MSI and subject to MSI’s Privacy Policy.
Participant Representation and Warranties.
You hereby represent and warrant that:- The information You have provided is accurate and true;
- You have the full authority, capacity, power, and right to enroll in this Event, and make the required license grant, representation, and warranties under this Terms and Conditions;
- You have obtained and will maintain all applicable approval, consent, permissions, licenses, and waivers necessary to grant the licenses stated above to MSI and its subsidiaries; and
- You have complied with all applicable laws in enrolling in this Event.
Participant Indemnification.
You shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless MSI, its affiliates, and successors, assigns, directors, and agents, from and against any and all liabilities, damages, judgments, costs, expenses, and fees (including reasonable attorney’s fees) resulting from any claims, investigations, litigation, or other legal or administrative action by third parties arising out of or relating to any actual or alleged breach by You of any representations, warranties, undertakings in this Terms and Conditions
Participant Acknowledgement and Consent.
You hereby acknowledge and agree that:- MSI reserves the sole and discretionary right:
- to determine, on a final and conclusive basis, whether a participant has fulfilled the Event requirements in good faith. For illustrative purpose without limiting any other terms, MSI may disqualify participants: a) if Event enrolment or product registration is incomplete, b) if Event eligibility requirements such as applicable product line or regional restrictions are not met; c) if the provided documents are forged, fraudulent, or void; d) if automated codes, scripts, plugins or other means were used to enter or complete Event enrolment; e) if participant does not have the legal capacity to enroll in this Event, or f) if criminal or illegal acts are committed or allegedly committed to enroll in this Event;
- to replace the prize with items of similar value without prior notice;
- to vary, delete or add to any of these terms and
conditions if there is valid reason understood as:
- amendment of the laws governing the rules and organization of the Event, affecting the rights and obligations of MSI and participants
- extension or reduction of the duration of the Event
- change in the way the Event is carried out due to technical, technological or commercial reasons
MSI is not liable and assumes no liability to any person for any loss, dissatisfaction, or damage arising from the prize, and uses thereof. Winners shall not make any claims against MSI.
- MSI is not liable and assumes no liability to any person for any loss, dissatisfaction, or damage arising from the prize, and uses thereof. Winners shall not make any claims against MSI;
- MSI disclaims all liability for any delays, misdelivery, loss, or failure in the delivery of the winning notification due to mechanical, technical, electronic, communications, telephone, computer, hardware, internet, or software errors, malfunctions, or failures of any kind. In such eventuality, the winner unconditionally waives his/her right to the prize and any associated compensation.
- MSI reserves the sole and discretionary right:
MSI Warranties Exclusion.
Limitation of Liability.
This Terms and Conditions is governed and construed by the laws of Taiwan, regardless of conflict of law principles, and all disputes arising from the Event and these terms shall be adjudicated by the Taipei District Court in Taipei, Taiwan. Any provision invalidated by a competent court shall be stricken, and the remaining Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect. Failure by MSI to enforce any right under this Terms and Condition shall not be deemed to be a waiver. MSI shall not be liable for any failure to perform due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control. This Terms and Conditions shall not be assigned or otherwise transferred by You to any other third party; all unauthorized assignments are null and void. This Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Event, and supersede any prior agreements, communications, representations, or discussions, oral or otherwise.
Event Duration and Enrolment. From Jul. 25th – Aug. 31st, 2022(UTC+8), participants may enroll in the “MSI 36th ANNIVERSARY” event (“Event”) available at To enter, You must complete the following steps:
- I fully understand the contents of the Terms and Conditions and agree to them.
- Subscribe to MSI Newsletters
Please check the box if you would like to receive our latest news and updates. By clicking here, you consent to the processing of your personal data by [Micro-Star International Co., LTD.] to send you information about [MSI’s products, services and upcoming events]. Please note that you can unsubscribe from the MSI Newsletters here at any time.
8월은 MSI에게 특별한 달이며, 동시에 이 기회를 통해 지난 몇 년간 여러분의 지원에 감사드리고 싶습니다. 여러분과 함께 기쁨을 나누기 위해, 저희는 여러 비즈니스 및 생산성 라인업 제품에 대한 특별 할인을 제공하고 있습니다. MSI 창립 36주년을 기념하여 여러분의 일상에 동행할 수 있도록 초대합니다.
추첨 이벤트 참여방법
- Purchase one (1) or more eligible MSI desktop product(s), or one (1) MSI monitor product(s) valued at EUR 360 or above, respectively listed below, and register the product(s) in MSI’s Member Center ( Entries will be deemed invalid if the purchased eligible product(s) is/are returned or refunded within fourteen (14) days of purchase.
- The purchase invoice must be issued between Jul. 25th – Aug. 31st, 2022(UTC+8).
- Completing the eligible product registration will automatically enroll participants in a lucky draw. Each eligible desktop and monitor product category will have an independent draw. There are two (2) draws in total for this Event. Each eligible participant may enter each draw only once, regardless of the number of eligible product(s) purchased.
- The lucky draw prizes and number of prizes are as follows:
Desktop Product Draw prize listSeven (7) GARMIN INSTINCT ESPORTS valued at US$299.99 each.Monitor Product Draw prize listSeven (7) GARMIN INSTINCT ESPORTS valued at US$299.99 each.
- NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY TO ENTER THE LUCKY DRAW. For all participants, this Event is free to enter for a chance to win the draw prize by writing a request to MSI and mailing this request to MSI’s Taiwan office, Micro-Star Int’l Co., Ltd., located at No.69 Lide Street, Zhonghe Dist., Postal Code 23584, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Participant’s written request must be legible to be accepted, and must include participant’s full name, a valid mailing address (NO P.O. BOX), phone number and any email address to allow MSI to verify the participant, and the name of the Event. Only one entry will be permitted per participant. MSI will also use the contact information provided in the entry to contact the participant, as appropriate.
- The winners of the lucky draw will be selected in a random drawing from among all eligible entries received throughout the Event Period. The random drawing will be processed on Sept. 20th, 2022(UTC+8). One prize per person and per household will be awarded. The winners will be announced on the event page. MSI will email each winner to confirm delivery information such as name, address (no PO Boxes), and phone number. If a winner does not respond to MSI’s notice within five (5) workdays, the prize will be deemed forfeited and MSI will randomly select a new winner. Physical prizes may take up to eight (8) weeks or more to be delivered due to customs clearance. MSI shall not be liable for any loss or delays resulting from incorrect or missing information provided. MSI shall have no liability for a Winner's failure to receive notices due to spam, junk e-mail or other security settings or for a Winner’s provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information.
- Eligible MSI products:
MonitorAny MSI brand monitor with the purchase price of EUR360 or above for that monitor unit.DesktopMEG Aegis Ti5 12th, MEG Trident X 12th, MPG Trident A 12th, MPG Trident AS 12th, MAG Infinite S3 12th, MAG Codex 5 12th, MAG Codex X5 12th, MEG Aegis Ti5 11th, MEG Trident X 11th, MPG Trident A 11th, MPG Trident AS 11th, MPG Trident 3 Arctic 11th, MPG Trident 3 11th, MEG Infinite X 11th, MAG Infinite 11th, MAG Infinite S3 11th, MAG Codex X5 11th, MAG Codex 5 11th, MAG Trident S 5M, Meta 5S.
- Eligible Regions: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Canada, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Israel, South Africa, excluding restricted, sanctioned, or embargoed countries or regions. Proof of residency may be required.
Standard Terms
- Any and all prize related expenses, including without limitation any and all federal, state, and/or local taxes shall be the sole responsibility of the Winner. MSI makes no representation or warranty concerning the appearance, safety or performance of any prize awarded. Restrictions, conditions, and limitations may apply. MSI will not replace any lost or stolen prize items. The risk is transferred to the winner when the prize is handed over to a postal delivery service. MSI shall not be responsible for delivery damages.
- All prizes are not provided with any warranty. All prizes are not transferable, substitution, or redeemable for cash or any other goods. If a prize becomes unavailable due to circumstances beyond MSI’s reasonable control, MSI may, at its sole discretion, adjust the prize content by replacing the prize with another product of equivalent value.
- Early termination and amendments: MSI reserves the right to prematurely terminate the Event in whole or in part without reason at any time or to change its course if it is not possible to guarantee the proper execution of the Event for technical (e.g. computer virus, manipulation of or errors in software/hardware), legal or other reasons (e.g. prohibition by a government agency or online platform)
- This Event is only for eligible end user consumers and not businesses. MSI, MSI affiliates, subsidiary, manufacturer, business partner, distributor, wholesaler, reseller, retailer, or agency employees and their immediate families are not eligible to participate in this Event.
- MSI retains the right to make adjustments of these terms without prior notice subject to any directions from a regulatory authority. MSI may, at its discretion, disqualify participants who do not meet or violate these terms.
- Participants must be at least 18 years old. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.
Privacy Policy.
We may ask You for information during the Event enrolment and product registration process that may, as applicable, include without limitation Your email, name, product serial number, redemption code, purchase information, and other voluntary information You provide. In addition, we may indirectly gather information from you via cookies or website embedded analytics. The information we collect will be used in the following manner: to run this Event, to verify Your eligibility, to contact You if needed, to ensure prize(s) can be sent to You, to store registered product data for as long as an ongoing relationship exists between us (eg. When You use our services such as warranty, eDM notices, etc.), and to use solely for internal market studies for developing better products and services. Your information will not be shared with third parties, except: i) to third party processors such as our internet service and website providers in order for us to execute this Event; or ii) when reporting or responding to actual or suspected breach of applicable laws to legal and regulatory authorities such as courts or the police to the extent needed.
Because of the international nature of our business, we transfer information within the MSI group, and to third parties as referenced above, in connection with the purpose set forth in these terms and conditions. Therefore, we may transfer information to countries that may have different laws and data protection compliance requirements that those applicable in the country You are located.
Further details of how Your information may be used and processed are detailed in MSI’s privacy policy, available at The MSI Privacy Policy constitutes a part of this Terms and Conditions, and is hereby incorporated by reference with full force and effect.
eDM Subscription.
You may be asked to join MSI's eDM emailing list to receive MSI product news or service updates. If you do not want to subscribe to this list, please do not check the subscribe or similarly titled check box.
Participant License.
For any material You may provide to us for this Event, including without limitations, pictures, videos, reviews, content, comment, feedback, and written material, as applicable (collectively, “Submitted Materials”), You hereby grant MSI and its worldwide subsidiaries a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid up, worldwide, sublicensable license to use, reproduce, copy, distribute, create derivative works of, publicly display and perform, and otherwise use or exploit the Submitted Materials in any legal manner reasonably determined by MSI and subject to MSI’s Privacy Policy.
Participant Representation and Warranties.
You hereby represent and warrant that:- The information You have provided is accurate and true;
- You have the full authority, capacity, power, and right to enroll in this Event, and make the required license grant, representation, and warranties under this Terms and Conditions;
- You have obtained and will maintain all applicable approval, consent, permissions, licenses, and waivers necessary to grant the licenses stated above to MSI and its subsidiaries; and
- You have complied with all applicable laws in enrolling in this Event.
Participant Indemnification.
You shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless MSI, its affiliates, and successors, assigns, directors, and agents, from and against any and all liabilities, damages, judgments, costs, expenses, and fees (including reasonable attorney’s fees) resulting from any claims, investigations, litigation, or other legal or administrative action by third parties arising out of or relating to any actual or alleged breach by You of any representations, warranties, undertakings in this Terms and Conditions
Participant Acknowledgement and Consent.
You hereby acknowledge and agree that:- MSI reserves the sole and discretionary right:
- to determine, on a final and conclusive basis, whether a participant has fulfilled the Event requirements in good faith. For illustrative purpose without limiting any other terms, MSI may disqualify participants: a) if Event enrolment or product registration is incomplete, b) if Event eligibility requirements such as applicable product line or regional restrictions are not met; c) if the provided documents are forged, fraudulent, or void; d) if automated codes, scripts, plugins or other means were used to enter or complete Event enrolment; e) if participant does not have the legal capacity to enroll in this Event, or f) if criminal or illegal acts are committed or allegedly committed to enroll in this Event;
- to replace the prize with items of similar value without prior notice;
- to vary, delete or add to any of these terms and
conditions if there is valid reason understood as:
- amendment of the laws governing the rules and organization of the Event, affecting the rights and obligations of MSI and participants
- extension or reduction of the duration of the Event
- change in the way the Event is carried out due to technical, technological or commercial reasons
MSI is not liable and assumes no liability to any person for any loss, dissatisfaction, or damage arising from the prize, and uses thereof. Winners shall not make any claims against MSI.
- MSI is not liable and assumes no liability to any person for any loss, dissatisfaction, or damage arising from the prize, and uses thereof. Winners shall not make any claims against MSI;
- MSI disclaims all liability for any delays, misdelivery, loss, or failure in the delivery of the winning notification due to mechanical, technical, electronic, communications, telephone, computer, hardware, internet, or software errors, malfunctions, or failures of any kind. In such eventuality, the winner unconditionally waives his/her right to the prize and any associated compensation.
- MSI reserves the sole and discretionary right:
MSI Warranties Exclusion.
Limitation of Liability.
This Terms and Conditions is governed and construed by the laws of Taiwan, regardless of conflict of law principles, and all disputes arising from the Event and these terms shall be adjudicated by the Taipei District Court in Taipei, Taiwan. Any provision invalidated by a competent court shall be stricken, and the remaining Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect. Failure by MSI to enforce any right under this Terms and Condition shall not be deemed to be a waiver. MSI shall not be liable for any failure to perform due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control. This Terms and Conditions shall not be assigned or otherwise transferred by You to any other third party; all unauthorized assignments are null and void. This Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Event, and supersede any prior agreements, communications, representations, or discussions, oral or otherwise.
Event Duration and Enrolment. From Jul. 25th – Aug. 31st, 2022(UTC+8), participants may enroll in the “MSI 36th ANNIVERSARY” event (“Event”) available at To enter, You must complete the following steps:
- I fully understand the contents of the Terms and Conditions and agree to them.
- Subscribe to MSI Newsletters
Please check the box if you would like to receive our latest news and updates. By clicking here, you consent to the processing of your personal data by [Micro-Star International Co., LTD.] to send you information about [MSI’s products, services and upcoming events]. Please note that you can unsubscribe from the MSI Newsletters here at any time.
8월은 MSI에게 특별한 달이며, 동시에 이 기회를 통해 지난 몇 년간 여러분의 지원에 감사드리고 싶습니다. 여러분과 함께 기쁨을 나누기 위해, 저희는 여러 비즈니스 및 생산성 라인업 제품에 대한 특별 할인을 제공하고 있습니다. MSI 창립 36주년을 기념하여 여러분의 일상에 동행할 수 있도록 초대합니다.
추첨 이벤트 참여방법
- Purchase one (1) or more eligible MSI desktop product(s), or one (1) MSI monitor product(s) valued at EUR 360 or above, respectively listed below, and register the product(s) in MSI’s Member Center ( Entries will be deemed invalid if the purchased eligible product(s) is/are returned or refunded within fourteen (14) days of purchase.
- The purchase invoice must be issued between Jul. 25th – Aug. 31st, 2022(UTC+8).
- Completing the eligible product registration will automatically enroll participants in a lucky draw. Each eligible desktop and monitor product category will have an independent draw. There are two (2) draws in total for this Event. Each eligible participant may enter each draw only once, regardless of the number of eligible product(s) purchased.
- The lucky draw prizes and number of prizes are as follows:
Desktop Product Draw prize listSeven (7) GARMIN INSTINCT ESPORTS valued at US$299.99 each.Monitor Product Draw prize listSeven (7) GARMIN INSTINCT ESPORTS valued at US$299.99 each.
- NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY TO ENTER THE LUCKY DRAW. For all participants, this Event is free to enter for a chance to win the draw prize by writing a request to MSI and mailing this request to MSI’s Taiwan office, Micro-Star Int’l Co., Ltd., located at No.69 Lide Street, Zhonghe Dist., Postal Code 23584, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Participant’s written request must be legible to be accepted, and must include participant’s full name, a valid mailing address (NO P.O. BOX), phone number and any email address to allow MSI to verify the participant, and the name of the Event. Only one entry will be permitted per participant. MSI will also use the contact information provided in the entry to contact the participant, as appropriate.
- The winners of the lucky draw will be selected in a random drawing from among all eligible entries received throughout the Event Period. The random drawing will be processed on Sept. 20th, 2022(UTC+8). One prize per person and per household will be awarded. The winners will be announced on the event page. MSI will email each winner to confirm delivery information such as name, address (no PO Boxes), and phone number. If a winner does not respond to MSI’s notice within five (5) workdays, the prize will be deemed forfeited and MSI will randomly select a new winner. Physical prizes may take up to eight (8) weeks or more to be delivered due to customs clearance. MSI shall not be liable for any loss or delays resulting from incorrect or missing information provided. MSI shall have no liability for a Winner's failure to receive notices due to spam, junk e-mail or other security settings or for a Winner’s provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information.
- Eligible MSI products:
MonitorAny MSI brand monitor with the purchase price of EUR360 or above for that monitor unit.DesktopMEG Aegis Ti5 12th, MEG Trident X 12th, MPG Trident A 12th, MPG Trident AS 12th, MAG Infinite S3 12th, MAG Codex 5 12th, MAG Codex X5 12th, MEG Aegis Ti5 11th, MEG Trident X 11th, MPG Trident A 11th, MPG Trident AS 11th, MPG Trident 3 Arctic 11th, MPG Trident 3 11th, MEG Infinite X 11th, MAG Infinite 11th, MAG Infinite S3 11th, MAG Codex X5 11th, MAG Codex 5 11th, MAG Trident S 5M, Meta 5S.
- Eligible Regions: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Canada, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Israel, South Africa, excluding restricted, sanctioned, or embargoed countries or regions. Proof of residency may be required.
Standard Terms
- Any and all prize related expenses, including without limitation any and all federal, state, and/or local taxes shall be the sole responsibility of the Winner. MSI makes no representation or warranty concerning the appearance, safety or performance of any prize awarded. Restrictions, conditions, and limitations may apply. MSI will not replace any lost or stolen prize items. The risk is transferred to the winner when the prize is handed over to a postal delivery service. MSI shall not be responsible for delivery damages.
- All prizes are not provided with any warranty. All prizes are not transferable, substitution, or redeemable for cash or any other goods. If a prize becomes unavailable due to circumstances beyond MSI’s reasonable control, MSI may, at its sole discretion, adjust the prize content by replacing the prize with another product of equivalent value.
- Early termination and amendments: MSI reserves the right to prematurely terminate the Event in whole or in part without reason at any time or to change its course if it is not possible to guarantee the proper execution of the Event for technical (e.g. computer virus, manipulation of or errors in software/hardware), legal or other reasons (e.g. prohibition by a government agency or online platform)
- This Event is only for eligible end user consumers and not businesses. MSI, MSI affiliates, subsidiary, manufacturer, business partner, distributor, wholesaler, reseller, retailer, or agency employees and their immediate families are not eligible to participate in this Event.
- MSI retains the right to make adjustments of these terms without prior notice subject to any directions from a regulatory authority. MSI may, at its discretion, disqualify participants who do not meet or violate these terms.
- Participants must be at least 18 years old. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.
Privacy Policy.
We may ask You for information during the Event enrolment and product registration process that may, as applicable, include without limitation Your email, name, product serial number, redemption code, purchase information, and other voluntary information You provide. In addition, we may indirectly gather information from you via cookies or website embedded analytics. The information we collect will be used in the following manner: to run this Event, to verify Your eligibility, to contact You if needed, to ensure prize(s) can be sent to You, to store registered product data for as long as an ongoing relationship exists between us (eg. When You use our services such as warranty, eDM notices, etc.), and to use solely for internal market studies for developing better products and services. Your information will not be shared with third parties, except: i) to third party processors such as our internet service and website providers in order for us to execute this Event; or ii) when reporting or responding to actual or suspected breach of applicable laws to legal and regulatory authorities such as courts or the police to the extent needed.
Because of the international nature of our business, we transfer information within the MSI group, and to third parties as referenced above, in connection with the purpose set forth in these terms and conditions. Therefore, we may transfer information to countries that may have different laws and data protection compliance requirements that those applicable in the country You are located.
Further details of how Your information may be used and processed are detailed in MSI’s privacy policy, available at The MSI Privacy Policy constitutes a part of this Terms and Conditions, and is hereby incorporated by reference with full force and effect.
eDM Subscription.
You may be asked to join MSI's eDM emailing list to receive MSI product news or service updates. If you do not want to subscribe to this list, please do not check the subscribe or similarly titled check box.
Participant License.
For any material You may provide to us for this Event, including without limitations, pictures, videos, reviews, content, comment, feedback, and written material, as applicable (collectively, “Submitted Materials”), You hereby grant MSI and its worldwide subsidiaries a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid up, worldwide, sublicensable license to use, reproduce, copy, distribute, create derivative works of, publicly display and perform, and otherwise use or exploit the Submitted Materials in any legal manner reasonably determined by MSI and subject to MSI’s Privacy Policy.
Participant Representation and Warranties.
You hereby represent and warrant that:- The information You have provided is accurate and true;
- You have the full authority, capacity, power, and right to enroll in this Event, and make the required license grant, representation, and warranties under this Terms and Conditions;
- You have obtained and will maintain all applicable approval, consent, permissions, licenses, and waivers necessary to grant the licenses stated above to MSI and its subsidiaries; and
- You have complied with all applicable laws in enrolling in this Event.
Participant Indemnification.
You shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless MSI, its affiliates, and successors, assigns, directors, and agents, from and against any and all liabilities, damages, judgments, costs, expenses, and fees (including reasonable attorney’s fees) resulting from any claims, investigations, litigation, or other legal or administrative action by third parties arising out of or relating to any actual or alleged breach by You of any representations, warranties, undertakings in this Terms and Conditions
Participant Acknowledgement and Consent.
You hereby acknowledge and agree that:- MSI reserves the sole and discretionary right:
- to determine, on a final and conclusive basis, whether a participant has fulfilled the Event requirements in good faith. For illustrative purpose without limiting any other terms, MSI may disqualify participants: a) if Event enrolment or product registration is incomplete, b) if Event eligibility requirements such as applicable product line or regional restrictions are not met; c) if the provided documents are forged, fraudulent, or void; d) if automated codes, scripts, plugins or other means were used to enter or complete Event enrolment; e) if participant does not have the legal capacity to enroll in this Event, or f) if criminal or illegal acts are committed or allegedly committed to enroll in this Event;
- to replace the prize with items of similar value without prior notice;
- to vary, delete or add to any of these terms and
conditions if there is valid reason understood as:
- amendment of the laws governing the rules and organization of the Event, affecting the rights and obligations of MSI and participants
- extension or reduction of the duration of the Event
- change in the way the Event is carried out due to technical, technological or commercial reasons
MSI is not liable and assumes no liability to any person for any loss, dissatisfaction, or damage arising from the prize, and uses thereof. Winners shall not make any claims against MSI.
- MSI is not liable and assumes no liability to any person for any loss, dissatisfaction, or damage arising from the prize, and uses thereof. Winners shall not make any claims against MSI;
- MSI disclaims all liability for any delays, misdelivery, loss, or failure in the delivery of the winning notification due to mechanical, technical, electronic, communications, telephone, computer, hardware, internet, or software errors, malfunctions, or failures of any kind. In such eventuality, the winner unconditionally waives his/her right to the prize and any associated compensation.
- MSI reserves the sole and discretionary right:
MSI Warranties Exclusion.
Limitation of Liability.
This Terms and Conditions is governed and construed by the laws of Taiwan, regardless of conflict of law principles, and all disputes arising from the Event and these terms shall be adjudicated by the Taipei District Court in Taipei, Taiwan. Any provision invalidated by a competent court shall be stricken, and the remaining Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect. Failure by MSI to enforce any right under this Terms and Condition shall not be deemed to be a waiver. MSI shall not be liable for any failure to perform due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control. This Terms and Conditions shall not be assigned or otherwise transferred by You to any other third party; all unauthorized assignments are null and void. This Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Event, and supersede any prior agreements, communications, representations, or discussions, oral or otherwise.
Event Duration and Enrolment. From Jul. 25th – Aug. 31st, 2022(UTC+8), participants may enroll in the “MSI 36th ANNIVERSARY” event (“Event”) available at To enter, You must complete the following steps:
- I fully understand the contents of the Terms and Conditions and agree to them.
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